PSCR - Product Safety & Conformity Representative (VDA QMC ID 503)

Two-day training

Turnhout - 25-09-2024 & 26-09-2024

Hasselt - 26-11-2024 & 27-11-2024

Inschrijven €1250
€1250 voor leden. Ontdek jouw voordelen als lid.

Prior knowledge is required

The role and responsibilities of the Product Safety & Conformity Representative (PSCR)

In every organisation within the automotive supply chain a PSCR is needed to ensure its product safety and conformity. This means they have to comply with the legal regulations in all relevant countries and satisfy the safety expectations of the general public. Here is where the  Product Safety & Conformity Representative comes in. 

This two-day training will give you the expertise you need to perform the daily work of a PSCR in a more professional and targeted manner. The program covers the central themes of product integrity and over-the-air (OTA) software updates, and expands your competence in these felds.



The focus is on the communication of expert knowledge that enables the future Product Safety & Conformity Representatives to handle their everyday work more professionally and in a more targeted fashion as prospective or existing PSCR.

The responsibilities in the whole supply chain from development through manufacture and use up to the end of intended use are dealt with. 

  • Describe the signifcance and the tasks of a PSCR, including OTA
  • Be aware of your responsibility along the entire value chain from a product’s development, through manufacture and application, up to the end of its intended use
  • Know how product integrity is organized in companies and understand its signifcance within the product cycle
  • Know what needs to be done in cases of nonconformity
  • Apply the appropriate tools and methods competently
  • Know which vehicles are potentially affected and could receive OTA updates
  • Get familiar with the reasons for an OTA update not being carried out
  • Be able to assess the legal relevance of refusing an update


Concept and Methods

During this PSCR training, technical lectures and group work alternate in order to support the transfer of the topics into the participants’ own work practice. Special attention is paid to opportunities for sharing experiences. 

After an introduction to the topic the organisation of product integrity, product integrity in the product life cycle, guidance for product nonconformities and examples for tools and methods are discussed.

Module 1: the reasons of the necessity of a PSR?

  • Overview of the legislation
  • The technical rules recognized and state-of-the-art
  • In-depth study of regulatory requirements
  • The information sources on internet
  • The relevant norms of management systems

Module 2: the key elements of a risk control system, including results

  • Identifying these key elements
  • Updating the key documents
  • Detecting the key activities
  • Making the link

Module 3: the product safety management and product safety representative role

  • The management system of product safety
  • The key element of this system
  • Implementing the management activities of product safety
  • Roles, authorities and liabilities within the company to assume the product liability and security
  • Management of key features

Module 4: Lessons Learned classification of risks and activities to do

  • What is the Lessons Learned?
  • Gathering the data/information of the market
  • Evaluating and summarizing
  • Observing and informing
  • Risk classification (how to respond?)
  • Documentation (revaluation and report)
  • Applied exercise on a case study

Module 5: the requirements of Volkswagen related to the product safety representative

Additional course material

VDA volume Product Integrity (including OTA). The spoken language and provided course material will be in English unless the group of participants consists of Dutch speakers only.



Target Audience

Automotive managers and employees who either already work as product safety representatives or expect to do so.

Prerequisites for Attendance

  • A technical and / or business education is necessary as well as experience in automotive quality management, particularly in processing complaints and claim for damages.
  • Training and experience in evaluating technical product and process risks (e.g. as an FMEA moderator, VDA 6.3 process auditor, developer).
  • Be knowledgeable about the use of the organisation’s products, the state of the art as well as the requirements imposed by both the legislation and customer demands.


Certificate of Qualification VDA QMC

After passing the test, the participants will receive a certificate of qualification VDA QMC. This PSCR certification is officially recognized by Volkswagen AG and BMW, among others.

This VDA QMC PSCR training also available als a Live Online Training

The live online PSCR training is much more than a typical webinar but closely aligns with our well-known classroom trainings. Still personal, practice-oriented and tailored to the participants. Now not physically side by side, but via MS Teams. The training program is tuned to a digital module where theory is clarified through exercises. The course content remains unchanged and you will receive your certificate afterwards. Get to know our Live Online Trainings

Jouw coaches

Ilya Vranken

Allanta Coach - Automotive Quality

Meer over Ilya

Kristel Appeltans

Allanta Coach - Automotive Quality

Meer over Kristel

Muijzers Harry

Allanta Coach - Automotive Quality

Meer over Harry

Praktische informatie


Leden: €1250 / Niet-Leden: €1250
De vermelde prijzen zijn steeds Excl. BTW.
KMO portefeuille: vraag hier jouw subsidie aan en bespaar tot 30% op jouw inschrijvingsprijs. Erkenningsnummer Opleiding DV.O105117

Lunch & lesmateriaal inbegrepen

Tijdens fysieke dagopleidingen wordt er standaard lunch, koffie, thee, frisdranken en waters, evenals schrijfmateriaal gratis voorzien. Bij zowel klassikale als live online trainingen stelt de coach het Allanta opleidingsmateriaal digitaal ter beschikking.


Dagopleidingen duren 8u en gaan door van 9u tot 17u. Halve dagopleidingen duren 4u en kunnen doorgaan van 9u tot 13u of van 13u tot 17u.


Bij annulatie méér dan 3 weken voor aanvang van de training is 75,00 EUR administratiekost verschuldigd. Bij annulatie minder dan 3 weken voor aanvang van de training is 100% van de deelnameprijs verschuldigd. Vervanging van de ingeschrevene is steeds mogelijk, mits melding aan ons secretariaat. Door onvoorziene omstandigheden kan Allanta vzw ten allen tijde de opleiding annuleren, het programma, de datum of de locatie wijzigen. Meer in onze Algemene Voorwaarden.

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