VDA 6.3:2023 – Process Auditor – Examination (ID 382)

Official VDA QMC certification

Live Online Training - 28-03-2025

Live Online Training - 20-06-2025

Live Online Training - 17-10-2025

Live Online Training - 05-12-2025

Inschrijven €700
€700 voor leden. Ontdek jouw voordelen als lid.


The examination leading to a certificate allows you to have your qualification independently confirmed so that you can meet the requirements of customers or suppliers regarding auditor competence.

Your certificate will indicate that as a VDA 6.3 Auditor you are able and authorized to independently conduct process audits both internally and on the premises of your suppliers.

Prerequisites for Attendance

  • a copy of your certificate of qualification of the training “VDA 6.3:2023 – Process Auditor – Qualification””
  • proof of completion of a three-day auditor qualification course based on DIN EN ISO 19011
  • proof of knowledge of the Automotive Core Tools (ID 415:2022 or ID 417:2019) or two-day training from another provider (since 2019) + Automotive Core Tools Quiz from VDA QMC
  • proof of a least five years of full-time professional experience at the production company, at least two years in quality-related fields of activity (personal data sheet).

Admission to the exam is only granted after successful review of the application.


The examination takes place in the form of an audit simulation. The assessment is focused on the performance as an auditor during the simulation. Audit preparation, auditor behavior during the simulation, and debriefing follow-up are evaluated.

The examination consists of:

  • a preparation phase (25 minutes)
  • an audit simulation (20 minutes)
  • a formulation, evaluation and justification of findings (5-10 minutes)
  • an interview (5-10 minutes)

For preparation, you may use the written training materials handed out (incl. standards) during VDA trainings you have attended, which you must bring to the examination yourself.


After passing the examination you will receive a VDA QMC certificate with a registered number. The certificate is valid for 5 years.

Jouw coaches

Ilya Vranken

Allanta Coach - Automotive Quality

Meer over Ilya

Kristel Appeltans

Allanta Coach - Automotive Quality

Meer over Kristel

Praktische informatie


Leden: €700 / Niet-Leden: €700
De vermelde prijzen zijn steeds Excl. BTW.
KMO portefeuille: vraag hier jouw subsidie aan en bespaar tot 30% op jouw inschrijvingsprijs. Erkenningsnummer Opleiding DV.O105117

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Dagopleidingen duren 8u en gaan door van 9u tot 17u. Halve dagopleidingen duren 4u en kunnen doorgaan van 9u tot 13u of van 13u tot 17u.


Bij annulatie méér dan 3 weken voor aanvang van de training is 75,00 EUR administratiekost verschuldigd. Bij annulatie minder dan 3 weken voor aanvang van de training is 100% van de deelnameprijs verschuldigd. Vervanging van de ingeschrevene is steeds mogelijk, mits melding aan ons secretariaat. Door onvoorziene omstandigheden kan Allanta vzw ten allen tijde de opleiding annuleren, het programma, de datum of de locatie wijzigen. Meer in onze Algemene Voorwaarden.

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